
Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmass Being Tainted By the Cheap Forces of Commercialization. By;- Mike j Hughes

The only thing enjoyable with the Christmas Season is the getting together with loved ones and enjoying life without all the depraved commercialization abounding everywhere.
commercialization has destroyed life and spiritual values here in the West.
With all the money spent by dumb humans on cheap gifts and selfishness.
With the same money spent on cheap garbage,- we could take that same energy and money and eradicate starvation and education , then the world would be in a better condition than it is today.



Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Eternal Path Of The Soul. By;- Mike j Hughes

  By;- Mike j Hughes 07/12/2013

Sitting high up in beautiful alpine meadows with flowery fragrances,

fond nostalgic memories of the souls manifold and countless incarnations

Long ago I would walk through the mountains on ''vision quest'' .

At a certain time in the spring I remember it all so well ,

I feel intense,... as if I were secure within the kindly embrace of the living universe,

as my eyes welled with tears of Bliss migrating down and

into the meadows

When I took a moment to contemplate.....

Then suddenly

A flash of intuition


I came to understand the blissful nature of the

PATH as it now emerges from within the

depths of Ones very own core

Where the Cosmic Titan resides, forever engaged with

The ''PLAN''


It dawned upon my Very Soul...

That I would never have to be alone

ever again.

As I am, already .. in the company

Of the Great Ones

High meditation will be the return to innocence

To rediscover a Greatness in the Light of the Soul

It hearkens within us always,- to...... The Angel of the Presence

Fear not ever again as you climb the Greatest summit.

To the stars and beyond shall We expand the cosmos,

And follow in treading the everlasting world without end.

The PLAN shall be forever and eternally unfolding.

Countless expansions will arrive , grow inside of us,

Bringing a great profound understanding that will

Link you forever , and lead you to serve upon cosmic Paths

long , hard , -each with it's various training

Be aware , and understand that Golden Thread that is the

Divine link of our past and future incarnations.


As the cosmos expands ,-then so shall our self awareness

Therefore tread the Royal Path , until we come to know

Ourselves as the ''PATH.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Revealing .- ...By Invitation Only. By- Mike j Hughes

There is something that must be addressed concerning mans mindless ambitions to venture forth even within our own solar system..
As we all know there are great plans to send a manned mission to Mars. Yet our scientists are overlooking a very serious matter.,;-  By  visiting a planet we have no right to set foot on.;-
Mars may appear to have no dense physical life as we do here on Earth, -but , never the less, there is life on all planets .
 Our scientist's are only aware of three levels of physical matter,-that is solid physical, liquid physical , and gaseous physical . Now above gas there are four further states of matter that are more refined with each higher sub-plane , however never the less still physical, only more refined and subtle .
If you went to Mars right now , you would see nothing unless you had that dual focus that would enable you to see all forms of life teeming through out the planet clothed in this higher and refined state of  matter , such as vegetation, members of the animal kingdom ,and to your amazement you would come to know the fact that there are 9 billion people on Mars.!!!.

We can not just go into space and step upon every planet we so desire. That , my friends, is breaking the rules as set down by the ''Cosmic Parliament of Planetary  Civilizations'';-  of which our humanity is not as yet a member due to our warlike nature and puny mental development.'
 How ever with the ''Gathering of the Forces of Light,- it may be a living reality that humanity could be admitted  on a sort of applicant for   ''Probation' , 'and therefore must set out to understand himself and  begin to reassess our understanding of our part to play  in the great grand scheme of  cosmic evolution.
Yes there will be a manned mission to Mars, but not as a result of humanity's selfish ambitions. When humanity achieves a measure of peace, the regeneration of our ecology, and when  right human relations are beginning to define our relation to ourselves and the Cosmos.
 If we can solve these problems on our own,; then yes we will go to Mars , not over curiosity,....but  by an Invitation only , by the Rulers of the Martian Civilization Themselves.
Here are some links that will go more deeply into this most intriguing topic. . ''The Space Brothers,-- Here to Help''. A must Watch!!! - My Blog..

                                                               Physical Appearance.

As I and many others involved in making this reality more widespread fact,- many want to know more of their physical appearance,- Well here are a few in which G.  Adamsky was allowed to photograph.





                                                         Now,- a Film Presentation



                                                Published on May 25, 2012
Gerard Aartsen gives a presentaiton on UFO Contactees of the early days up to modern times. He says that this phenomena has been happening for a very long time and in modern times beneficial and enlightened contact has been initiated by them. Usually a single person is the contactee and information spreads through them to the public.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Altruism and Service as a form of Anti- Depressant. - By;- Mike j Hughes

I would like to share with you all  an experience I went through many years ago  over a period of about 4 - 5 months wherein I was moving through a bout of deep depression that kept me indoors , lazy , fatigued ,mentally in the dark, and in a foggy and   lonely place   in which I found myself time after time.
I have been an esoteric and spiritual occultist for many years ,-going back to the age of 16 years
It was during my daily studies and regular meditation that I caught an flash of intuition  that gave me the cure for all of the misery and emotional pain I've endured for such a long time indeed.
I began to do a comparison between me and my own petty problems of my pathetic and rather small personality  and others human beings who are living miserable stunted  lives full of unbelievable suffering and an agony of mind that we here in the developed West cannot even begin to fathom , or  to comprehend.
One day I was reading an article  in the Share International magazine about how others are overcoming depression without the use of poisonous medication of which little or nothing is known about.
I began engaging   my life in the service to others who's mental and emotional condition were by far worse than my own small petty problems.
After some time of this altruism and service , my life quality began to change for the better and I began to henceforth be elated as my soul contact began to deepen and become increasingly effective in my life by the improvement of my health in all departments of  my being , such as within my physical, emotional, and mental avenues of expression.
One note I must write here concerning the honest approach to the mode of service to be rendered
If one feels the need to serve  to ''earn brownie points'' with God, or to ease ones own   consciousness, or for some spiritual selfish purpose,- then one is going about it in the wrong mode, and therefore one must revaluate ones heart and inner motives.
This is a service that must be given from a selfless point within the depths of ones own innermost BEING,- from ones own inner innate Divinity ,  issued forth as a decree from that Great Titan residing within us ALL.

                                                                             - My Blog.


Sunday, October 6, 2013

A New Era is About to Unfold. By;- Mike j Hughes.

''Take your brothers need as the measure of your actions and solve the problems of the world''

                                                                                          - Maitreya -  -The World Teacher -

Over the many years of my life I have developed an intuition of what could happen if humanity doe's not alter the selfishness , utter carelessness, with all it's complacency ,Dangers , and so on. and so on.

The world is moving towards a major crisis in all arenas of life. The old institutions can no longer serve mans inner most being ,- and so change is a coming .

With the Arab Up-rising and the fast spreading networks of social media spinning it's ''Web'' throughout the world,- and, as a result , that which has been left in the dark for aeons is now beginning to be being revealed. The expansion of humanity's awareness is rising to levels that is causing men and woman to reassess the values which has conditioned them since infancy . This can be a painful process

Everyone, without exception, is consciously , or unconsciously has a desperate need to see Unity ,peace , sharing the worlds resources , trust, and as a result,- a very advanced Civilization such as never seen before will be created and guided by the World Teacher.

One of the great astral-emotional energies found to be a great measure of resistance is very ancient in it's origins , -dating back to the infancy of the 4th root race. This ancient astral energy was employed by many who used it in the quest for selfish material ends and was originated by that group of evil Beings known as the ''Black Lodge'' as they receive it from the Cosmic Astral planes and other centres of ''Spiritual Wickedness in High Places''.

Before a New Golden Civilization can emerge from the Hearts of all spiritually oriented people's of the world there are many things that must get done . Humanity must be getting it's own house in order by taking care of one another , Sharing the worlds resources, trust , right human relations, and ''sowing the seeds'' of brotherhood,- as well as a Great Global Community.

Everyone will have the right to proper food, medical care , education, freedom of expression , and the freedom to know the truth ,-and the meaning of ones life's purpose. - My Blog.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Struggle Towards Our Innate Divinity. ;- Mike j Hughes

Their is  an ever growing group of human beings living , and or now, coming into incarnation - who`s hearts are aflame with humanitarian aspirations to improve the awful and depraved conditions of which life on this planet  is now passing through,- with all the suffering, war, corruptness, and the ongoing agony of mind everywhere to be seen . A growing body of men and woman from all walks of life, such  as those who are on Esoteric Online  are   now at last  beginning to communicate, and are banding together to prepare for the biggest event in human history, - preparing the way for the ``Coming One``,- The World Teacher- Maitreya,  and-  The Elder Brother of Humanity. Their are millions of humanitarian aspirants at this time who knowingly, or UN-knowingly are working and laboring selflessly for this coming Global Event.
This is common amongst those who have reach a rather advanced stage in their spiritual evolution. The ever-burning aspiration will climb higher with each incarnation until the hour strikes!! Do not despair my Friends , for we all must play the game of Life if we are to regain our lost , and that so ancient Divinity that brings with it memories of Radiance and Cosmic Bliss.
This is the goal for the spiritual evolution of all humanity, - so remember my dear Friends, that we are all in this together . We all Dream Big Dreams. ,...each and everyone of us in the course of our long evolutionary journey will always aspire for better times . And they are a coming.!! Until we have learned all that can be experienced here on Earth we will continue to reach..and fall.....reach and fall....reach and fall...........Until the hour strikes.!
A Great man is not born, a Buddha is not born, a Christ is not born, a Leonardo da Vinci is not born, and neither is a Plato, Jon Anderson, George Washington,..and so on. No they are not just born as flukes or freaks of nature. I say again , they are not Born,.....but are -made- and have evolved through eons of suffering through countless incarnations.
If we too are to regain this lost Greatness and Awesome Divinity then we must earn it through many lives of self,SACRIFICE, ,service, and suffering. Remember you can not give compassion or embrace Humanity with your Divine Love to others until you yourself have endured every form of suffering their is under the sun. This can take many thousands of incarnations , -but through our efforts as individuals we can speed up this process by service, trust, study, giving, sharing the resources of the world, and so on .
Many Esoteric Schools posit the idea that man will reach the acme of spiritual development only during the 7th sub-race of the 7th Root Race. This is just a thoughtless overlook so to speak...obviously..? However their are those even now who have achieved full adept ship , and have elected to remain with Humanity and to work under Great exalted Beings such as the Silent Watcher who name can now be given and known as Sanat Kumara- He has many names,- ``Youth of Endless Summers``, ``Ancient of Days``, ``The Great Sacrifice``, ``The Dark Hidden Father``, The Morning Star``, and the ``Silent Watcher.``
As many of you may know , ..this planet is a great experiment and has been converted to adapt to conditions whereby many lifeforms came into existence. But unfortunately many became failures even after millions of years of evolution. This planet was once the point of a great ``cosmic failure``, and many dumb,-or rather ``mindless races``roamed the Earth long before We, as the ``Sparks of Angelic Divinity`` Fell from our High abode and took incarnation into what was then animal man. We are fallen and incarnated Angels who did not leave their High Abode out of rebellion,- but rather as a Great Sacrifice to make of the primitive men at that time a thinking, rational, cultured , and refined Human beings.  - My Blog.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Moral Quality of a Medium. By;- Mike j Hughes

I was asked once about the question of a Mediums Life and reliability
I answered--
This question can sometimes be very difficult to answer. A medium can only attract to themselves those of the same moral and spiritual development as themselves. If you have a medium who is an alcoholic, or sex addict, a swindler, narcissist, or depraved in some way , - then only those disembodied egos of like mindedness will the medium be able to channel.
On the other hand , if the medium is of pure heart, sound, loving, disciplined, caring, and highly spiritual , -then again ,those of kindred vibration will come to the mediums aid.

Those who wish to be mediums are therefore warned to develop a high degree of spirituality, altruism, love, purity of motives, and self control.
If one is not virtuous and pure ,then you are risking to attract around yourself some very unclean, unevolved egos , and those of unspeakable depravity .
This type of unclean medium-ship stinks of human filth and  will wreak havoc and destroy your health, mind, and your life,
-.....before realizing the horror that you have been practicing the darkest and most cruel of all black arts ,...necromancy

Monday, May 20, 2013

(A Master Speaks), and Benjamin Creme’s writings

An excerpt
We present a selection of quotations on the theme of “Make it known”. The quotations are taken from Maitreya (Messages from Maitreya the Christ), Benjamin Creme’s Master (A Master Speaks), and Benjamin Creme’s writings.
Make known to all that I am here, and pave smooth My Path. My Plan is to release into the world a certain Teaching, which will show men that there exists a new approach to Living, a new way forward into the future time. May you be among the first to recognise Me, and through you I may work. Take upon yourselves this task. There is none higher which you could do in this life. Commit yourself to this work and serve your brothers. (Maitreya, from Message No.5)
Tell all who will listen that the Expected One is here, ready to begin, openly, His Mission. That He relies on the men and women of goodwill to work with Him for peace and justice, freedom and love. Tell them this. Tell them that Maitreya has the simple answer for the world’s woes. That sharing will engender the trust that will open the door, and the hearts of men, to blessed peace. Then will you see the flowering of the human spirit in brotherhood and co-operation. Then will the problems and blockages melt away, overcome in overflowing goodwill. (Benjamin Creme’s Master from ‘The ending of war’)
Many today rejoice at the promise which My Presence brings, but many more by far await still these glad tidings. Take upon yourselves, My friends, this task: Make it known that I am here, and embrace My Cause. Work thus for your brothers and know the joy of Service. (Maitreya, from Message No.115)
Maitreya has said that the most important thing you can do at the present time is to make His presence known. It is the number one priority for all spiritual groups who can believe it at any level – either as total, or even as five per cent, conviction that it is true. Then you are helping Maitreya, and … helping your own evolution: there is, inevitably, a karmic benefit from every spiritual action you make. (Benjamin Creme, SI, September 1993)
The time is short before [Maitreya’s] open appearance. Take heart from this and quicken your service on His behalf. Make known that He is among you and stir the hearts of those who know not yet these glad tidings. Fulfil your purpose and redeem the promise which you, long ago, have made. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The wonder at the door’)
The opportunity to work for the transformation of the world, for the saving of humanity, the lower kingdoms, the Plan of Evolution, is a gift of grace, an opportunity never before offered to so many. I know it is easier to believe than to act on the belief, but if you believe it at any level, make it known at that level. This will be the only opportunity you will have to do that. When Maitreya comes forward, millions of people will gather round Him, the world will be transformed really rather quickly – but you have the chance to know beforehand, and to create the climate of hope and expectation which is required. (Benjamin Creme, SI, October 1999)
Make it your task to tell men that I am here, that I am working for them, for their future, for the future of all men and all things in the world. Make known My Presence among you, and be delivered of all that is useless in the past. Make known My Presence, and be assured that My Love will flow through you and light a path before you for your brothers and sisters. Do this work and help them and Me. My task is but beginning. When completed, I shall look back on this time as one of kindling Light in the hearts of the few who sought to serve their brothers. May you be one of them. (Maitreya, from Message No.6)
Many are the ways to serve but one among all today has priority: the Christ needs your willing help. Tell the world of His presence and His imminent emergence and aid Him more than you could know. Build together the thoughtform of this event and create a climate of hope. More than anything, this will ensure His smooth re-entry into a troubled and chaotic world. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The people’s voice’)
We are living in momentous times; I cannot say it strongly enough. This is a time unlike any there has ever been before. I doubt if this particular opportunity for service has ever been presented to a group before. Many times in His Messages Maitreya has said: “This is an opportunity for service unlike ought seen before.” If He says it, you can be sure it is a reality. Never have so many people had this opportunity for service, this opportunity – at their level – to do something of major importance. That is why groups like this should recognize the opportunity, and the privilege given by it, to do their very best to live up to the opportunity presented and not waste it in competition or greed, or simple self-awareness and self-contemplation – which everyone has moments of but which, with dedication to the work, should be very rarely seen. (Benjamin Creme, The Art of Co-operation)
My plan is that you should see Me soon. With your help this may be so. I require the creation of a certain trust, an expectancy and hope. In this way no force need be used. My Law forbids such force. Therefore, My friends, the task is yours to grasp. Make known the fact that I am among you and create the climate in which shortly I may be seen. That will not be as difficult as you might think, for mankind today stands on the verge of a revelation of its true nature and worth. My Presence among you makes this so. Your brothers will thank you for the work you do. (Maitreya, from Message No.58)
Many there are who accept and believe that the Christ is in the world, who await impatiently His emergence into the open, yet who do no more than wait and wish, leaving the work of preparation to others. Sad it is that thus they waste the opportunity to serve uniquely at this unique time, a time like none before and none to follow.
My earnest wish for these is this: that they seize this opportunity to be of service to the Christ, and to their brothers and sisters who know not yet that He is among us. Tell them what you believe: that the Great Lord is here; that Maitreya knocks loudly upon the gate. Very little time remains to do this and prepare them for this precious experience. Seize the time and act. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The requirements of the future’)
Carefully, under Law, do I show My face. Naught obstructs this progress but the creation of a pool of Hope, an air of expectation. Create this, My friends, and help My Cause. Make known the fact of My Presence to all who will listen, and welcome the New Time. Confirm for yourselves the reality of My Return among you and begin the building of the New World. I invite you to share with Me in this vital task and to enter into the Higher Service. Many among you are afraid to speak. Many hope that My Presence may indeed be true but fear the laughter of their brothers. My friends, your brothers need the hope that this message brings, to lift them once again into the Lighted Way. Spare not your efforts on My behalf, and share with your brothers that which you believe. No higher work can you do for Me. (Maitreya, from Message No.125)
I am 100 per cent convinced because of my experiences over many years but even if you are only 5 per cent sure – do what I am doing – make it known to the best of your ability – tell people, talk to the media, write articles, hold meetings! Tell everyone who will listen that this event is happening. Simply tell what you know, or what you believe.
If you are somewhat convinced (it doesn’t matter if you do not know all the answers, just say you don’t know)
tell what you believe. In this way you are bearing witness and people will listen to you. They may not necessarily be convinced, but they hear the information. Their minds become more open to the possibility. That is the important thing. (Benjamin Creme, SI, September 2003)
If you would serve Me and serve the world, make known, My friends, that I am here. In this way can you build the sure wall of Hope against which the tide of fear will beat in vain. (Maitreya, from Message No.69)
The importance of being alive at this time is that it provides to all the opportunity to serve the Plan and the planet as never before. No one, today, should feel excluded from this unique opportunity, however humble or restricted their circumstances – the planet belongs to all and the Plan involves all. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The choice is man’s’)
Maitreya, Himself, stands at the door, His hand uplifted to knock. His signs increase apace as He awaits recognition. Welcome Him to your heart and ease His entry; let Him work through you. Remember that your brothers, also, deserve to know the Great News; leave them, and your sisters, not in the dark. We have reached the eleventh hour. The destined time is upon us. The long wait is all but over. Harness now your strength for the great work ahead. The times are as never before. The angelic myriads tremble in expectation. Maitreya’s warriors for Truth tighten Their girths and assemble behind Him. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘Maitreya at the door’)
When you see Me, you will know that I have been always with you, never far from your awakened heart. Know this and that in this coming time I shall never leave you, shall be with you always, to the end of the Age. The time is short indeed till God’s day of triumph. Believe this and work as one to tell the world that I am among you. Do this for Me, My friends, and know the true joy of service to your brothers. I call on you to make known at this late date that I, the Lord of Love, now walk among you. My friends, the time is short. Many hands and many voices are needed to proclaim this truth. I know already those on whom I may count. A final effort, My friends, and all will be as I have promised. (Maitreya, from Message No.137)

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Titan Within. By;- Mike j Hughes

Always remember my friend that within us all sit`s a Great Titan,- which is our very own Higher Self . In Fact we are all returning Buddha`s who have spent eons in pralaya- in unalloyed Bliss in the Highest Heavens , resting after millions of years- , after a long series of countless thousands of lives' in the previous solar system . This Divine Titan within us all had achieved things so glorious and so incredibly cosmic in their origin that it would be a feeble attempt indeed to in any way to comprehend.

Yes within all sits that Divine Titan bathed in cosmic splendour and radiance .

Within 95% of humanity this Great Spark of Divine Fire still as yet sleeps within the greater bulk of humanity today. This simply means that ,-as yet , most have not yet awakened and aroused this Higher Living Principle within them due to it`s utter ignorance and selfish depravity.

This my friend is the cause of all suffering and agony of mind imaginable . A Great Divine Being is never ``just born``, but has become wise and so incredibly advanced through countless eons of suffering , trials, and testing throughout many man-bearing globes of our evolutionary chain.

Within Each and everyone of us is an exact replica of the entire cosmos , and it`s Creator,- who lives forever within us,- as us

As the cosmos ever expands upon it`s macro cosmic scale,-throughout eternity, then , through an esoteric corresponding analogy is the human conscious awareness in an everlasting state of Becoming.

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Coming American Uprising. By- Mike j Hughes


* Throughout the world there are men, women and little children who have not even the essentials to stay alive; they crowd the cities of many of the poorest countries in the world. This crime fills Me with shame. My brothers, how can you watch these people die before your eyes and call yourselves men? My plan is to save these, My little ones, from certain starvation and needless death.
                                                                                           Maitreya-  -The World Teacher-

There is however ,so much civil unrest coming to the United States over the next few months, days, or even years to come,- like never seen before.. This is due to the fact ,and working out of karmic retribution for past atrocities committed over-seas.

The United States , -as you will see in the coming few weeks, days and even years will resemble a sort of anarchy, or some kind of ``civil war` `of sorts. This will involve Terrorist attacks not only from abroad , but from those U.S citizens who are fed up with the corruption and utter depravity of the ``Leaders`` of the developed world.

Revolution and great ``civil unrest`` will ,-in the ``long run``, bring order, stability, and a heightening of the Human Consciousness onto higher levels of the mental planes ,-and most of all, dispel some of the most cruel complacency regarding ALL Humanity as to the needless deaths of so many of our own fellow human beings .

To many here in the developed world are steeped in stupidity,  unnatural forms of utter selfishness,-  taken a morbid and deeply depraved level.

There will be many reasons for this coming ``civil unrest` `throughout America, and one of them will be a division of the people of America of those who are willing to sacrifice some of their civil rights for their own protection, new Laws surrounding ``gun issues``, ,``religious fanatics' 'of all kinds having their compounds searched for terrorist activity, violent groups of ``radical activist`s``, and the announcements from the American Government of extreme measures that will be taken to ``search and destroy``anti -American and terrorist`s activities, ideologies, groups, propaganda, and all that which make the American Nation vulnerable to those who would take and destroy all that is dear to the freedom, Liberty, and all that the Western World cherishes and thinks of as belonging to them only!!!

There will as well be atrocities revealed to the public by very brave  journalists all over the world as to what`s really going on. As a result of this we will see mass protesting all over the United States connected with corruption and lies.. These are the foundations  of the coming-                                 `` American Uprising``.

America doe`s not have the right to own and monopolize , -consume and waste 80% of the worlds resources while millions starve to death in a world of plenty.!!!

Maitreya ,- The coming World Teacher has stated the fact that only through sharing can we have a more stable global community. Maitreya's first priority is to addresses the problem of so many living in unbelievable poverty and starvation , -and solve it , -all of us . The next priority is the cleaning up of the environment and the beautification of our city`s
Every nation of the world is the embodiment of an idea , and of course has a valuable contribution to offer in service to the coming New Civilization..          Maitreya has said.......

``* Throughout the world there are men, women and little children who have not even the essentials to stay alive; they crowd the cities of many of the poorest countries in the world. This crime fills Me with shame. My brothers, how can you watch these people die before your eyes and call yourselves men? My plan is to save these, My little ones, from certain starvation and needless death.``

                                                                                        Maitreya-   The World Teacher

More information- Imformation on many aspects of New Age Healing and Education                   My Web Blog Space Brothers,- Here to Help. AArt. Jurrann- This one is amazing-  5 stars for this one.!!!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dangers in the Dark. By;- Mike j Hughes

It is extremely important to have a  good and powerful level of soul contact when embarking upon the path of magic and Self -Realization. As a young occultist I have always done my research when  investigating the various levels of the astral planes.
I have known of many unstable humans who have had their lives absolutely destroyed by careless dabbling into the dark aspects of the occult, who had no self control while performing various and  highly dangerous forms of black magic. Many young people  through out the last few decades have paid dearly for their foolish and careless investigations into  the most profoundly wicked and deeply evil operations of black magic, and have brought upon themselves untold horrors and evil influences that have ruined the lives of even those around them who have had nothing to do with the occult what so ever.
I have read and heard of many young people thinking that to get involved with Satanism , rebellion,drugs,sexual depravity, and evil was cool and an ``in-thing``to do, not having any idea of the dark forces ,and the evil shades of once human beings who have lived bad lives, who are attracted to all of similar vibration who are of weak moral character  inciting many to commit unspeakable crimes and unbelievable depravity.
I know of  cases in which those of weak wills have dabbled in the black arts while taking powerful drugs who have gone mad . A few years ago there was a case of a young man who got mixed up with a Satanic cult  who was arrested for a variety of sex crimes of a revolting kind.
He was investigated and questioned by police . While sitting in an interrogation cell He gouged out his own eyes and held them in his hands while he bled to death muttering in a strange unknown language.
There are various group of human beings who are  mediumistic and scattered all Throughout the world unaware of this fact. We have all heard of people who have gone on a killing spree and have committed acts of an evil nature,- and when the deeds are done the person who performed these gruesome acts have no recollection of how they could have committed such wicked deeds,-  who have become so confused that they end up committing suicide because they can not live with themselves knowing they have become so passive in an unnatural and unhealthy way,  giving way for some very evil acts that some kind of being is ``telling them`` to do, and are tormented life after life wondering why they have committed such unspeakable  acts.
There are those who have mental illness`` claiming to have urges`` to do things that are not apart of their nature,-  who are in need of help from a spiritual source of which science has no understanding.
. If you had etheric vision, and , you were down in some skid row area,or in the vicinity of some other unwholesome place,- you would see that these  areas are infested with beings who resemble the gnomes, trolls,ghouls,demented fairies,wicked human shells,- and as well as the dirty and down right filthy brownies.

 Those who study the dark side of the occult know of  black magicians who have left a trail of death and insanity behind them,- going back through many past incarnations and who present a menace by twisting and manipulating the forces of nature to  their own selfish and deeply evil inhuman desires.
Their are black magicians who specialize in ruining the reputations of those who are lingering themselves on the verge of depravity. Such was a case back a few years ago in Vancouver when a man of about the age of 60 , struggling with alcohol issues ,trying to put his life on good grounds, was caught red handed on Christmas Eve performing an act of buggery with his own six year old grandson in front of his whole family, who ,through shock, and under the influence of alcohol themselves, became so enraged that they beat him for hours , slitting his throat, and stabbing him 167 times and dumping his mangled body in the Frazer River. Three of the family members who took part in his murder hanged themselves over the next 8 months. The whole thing was terrible indeed and ruined so many family ties through untold grief and agony of mind.

The lower astral planes are populated with those who have had powerful and depraved addictions.  Even though now dead, are still driven with violent impulses that causes them to be attracted to those who are still living with the same powerful addictions and so become attached through affinity of vibrations in order to  quench their lust for the same filth and depravity they relished  during their last earthly incarnation.
These lowest disembodied human parasites will stop at nothing. They will incite others of weak wills with  similar addictions to commit unspeakable acts of vile, cruel, and unnatural wickedness against the living , by so doing they can re-live and relish in their UN-holy abominations against the living.
Every member of the human family must learn to take responsibility for their own actions.  Those who flirt with the dark side of the occult will only heap upon themselves the working out of evil karma that will cover so many  countless incarnations of unimaginable suffering , great agony of mind, and a hellish existence of their own creation.

There are groups all over the world that are involved with all forms of black magic who tread the ``Left Hand Path``of evil and extreme selfishness that reach heights of a morbid and UN-natural state that is very destructive in the lives and the surrounding environment.
With the coming in of the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Magic and Order we can expect an increase of both the good and bad aspects of the human condition. All that is vile ,evil, and UN-natural, along with that which is good and virtuous are rising and coming into manifestation onto the astral , physical, and mental planes where it can be resolved and dealt with before entering the new era of human evolution  during the next 2.500 years of the Aquarian dispensation.

For untold eons man has been deeply influenced by the forces of evil released into the world by the ``Lords of Materiality``. These beings are those  known as the ones standing in a state of ``spiritual wickedness in high places``,and have worked through many evil human beings in positions of power  who have sought to distraught and destroy the work being done by those who stand for the power of Love, goodwill, and world cooperation towards bringing the New Age of spiritual evolution into a higher state of activity within the three worlds of human endeavour .

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Great Struggle.By;- Mike j Hughes

Turning Point of the Great Struggle.By;- Mike j Hughes                                 


The entire human race is undergoing a cycle of profound psychological stress due to the dis-equilibrium man has produced upon this beautiful planet.

Yes ,- something very BIG did happen on 21, Dec, 2012 , -however we will not see the great significance of this titanic event for a few generations to come when Humanity looks back through History hundreds of years from now and will say ``ahh yes`` --- ``2012 was a very difficult time , but does mark for us a great Milestone of achievement, if it was not for our fellow Human beings from that time , we would not have the technology that we have today``. The Titanic significance of 2012 will be discovered many generations from now. and will be seen as a symbolic ``birth`` of a new Human Civilization, and of a global community.

Hundreds of years from now 2012 will be recognized as one of the biggest turning points in human history, and as a ``Great Milestone`` of human evolution!!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

World Freedom By;- Mike j Hughes

China has raped and plundered Tibetan culture, and it`s High Spiritual standing,-and yet China, with it;s present nationhood of this new era- have a very feeble understanding even about themselves!! They have invaded a country that has so much to offer humanity as a great contribution to human civilization, -and yet the Chinese Government have no clue to the fact that very soon there will be political uprising in China,- moreover, this will give way to a sort of ``Oriental uprising``- to such a degree, that the ``Leaders``of China will begin to fear it`s own citizens.
This will leave China in a state of deep deep ``soul searching`` . My intuitive insight is this,- An up-rising will ignite much unrest for China as millions demand their freedom from such dictators,- these very small selfish creatures will no longer be able to brainwash their victims/citizens due to the fact that new and very powerful cosmic energies are now making a profound impact on the consciousness of men and woman everywhere, causing political and social upheaval that will pave the way for the destruction of fascism and pseudo communism.

All political and economical systems will be in various stages of transition, and will begin the task of rebuilding the world of human endeavour along more sane lines of development . Sharing in a world of plenty must be seen as the over-riding priority. There is no reason for millions to starve in a world of plenty.
With the expansion and dissemination of social networking, followed by the heightened awareness of Humanity coming of age,- it is obvious that the present Human Civilization is reaching a very dangerous level of transition, on a global scale, like nothing ever seen before. A great awakening is stirring in the hearts and minds of countless millions all over the world calling for justice, unity , clean sane methods of living, the sharing of the worlds resources, peace, trust, and an ever expanding awareness of who we are as Human beings , and our ever becoming as Divine Beings ``engaged in a long evolutionary journey towards the heights of ultimate Self-Realization``
It is obviously clear that our man-bearing planet is passing through , and experiencing violent shifts , drastic changes within every avenue of human endeavour on the physical, astral-emotional, and upon the mental planes as humanity struggles to keep up and grapple with the tremendous quickening that is surging us forward into a time of uncertain crisis, forcing us to evaluate and ponder upon the real values , that if adopted , will usher in a time of joy , world cooperation, sharing, trust, brotherhood, -and at last the precipitation of a wonderful glorious Human Civilization that will ensure our passage through the Gates of Initiation and the eternal unfoldment of our Divine Potential as Sons of God. For more information and inspiration check out these Links;--

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Coming Up-rising in China and the Freedom of Tibet By;- Mike j Hughes

China has rape Tibetan culture, and it`s High Spiritual standing,-and yet China, with it;s present nationhood of this new era- have a very feeble understanding even about themselves!! They have invaded a country that had much to offer as a great contribution to human civilization, -and yet the China people have no clue to the fact that very soon there will be political unrest in China that will give way to a new ``Oriental uprising``- to such a degree that the ``Leaders``of China will begin to fear it`s own citizens.
This will leave China and , most of all , in a state of realization that the world is a very amazing place indeed. My prediction is this,- An up-rising will ignite much unrest for China as millions demand their freedom from such dictators,- these very small selfish creatures will no longer be able to brainwash their victims/citizens due to the fact that new and very powerful cosmic energies are now making a profound impact on the consciousness of men and woman everywhere, causing political and social upheaval that will pave the way for the destruction of fascism and pseudo communism while humanity takes on the task of rebuilding the world of human endeavour along more sane lines of development . Sharing in a world of plenty must be seen as the over-riding priority. There is no reason for millions to starve in a world of plenty.
With the expansion and dissemination of social networking, followed by the heightened awareness of Humanity coming of age,- it is obvious that the present Human Civilization is reaching a very dangerous level of transition on a global scale like nothing ever seen before. A great awakening is stirring in the hearts and minds of countless millions all over the world calling for justice, unity , clean sane methods of living, and the sharing of the worlds resources in a world of plenty as the over-riding priority.
It is obviously clear that we are experiencing violent shifts and drastic changes within every avenue of Human endeavour on the physical, astral-emotional, and upon the mental planes as humanity struggles to keep up and grapple with the tremendous quickening that is surging us forward into a time of uncertain crisis, forcing us to evaluate and ponder upon the real values , that if adopted , will usher in a time of joy , world cooperation, sharing, trust, brotherhood, -and at last the precipitation of a wonderful glorious Human Civilization that will ensure our passage through the Gates of Initiation and the eternal unfoldment of our Divine Potential as Sons of God. For more information and inspiration check out these Links;--

Thursday, February 28, 2013

From External Conflict to Objective Chaos. By;- Mike j Hughes

   Countless thousands of people all over the world are reporting as to hearing strange deep rumblings, creepy hollow metallic gratings, and UN-natural noises seeping down from the sky , and even as far out as the upper Earths stratosphere that are obviously not Earthly by far.!
This is a rather strange phenomena that is quite recent, beginning about 10 years ago- give or take-.
From my study of Esoteric Psychology, and as an trained observer who has studied this enigma through enquiry, contemplation, and meditation,  brought me to a realization that Humanity as a whole is undergoing profound inner conflicts that include much of what is worse in the human nature in it`s lower manifestation.

The degree of human suffering is deeply embedded in the human condition,and all internal rage ,fear, hate, the  unbelievable stress, confusion, as well as the great profound and deeply seated problems we as humans are now faced with is intensifying our inner conflict .
These inner  violent astral and mental conflicts have reached their breaking point to such a degree that this inner conflict is now beginning to externalize itself  objectivly  and is precipitating in such a way as to be heard by countless thousands all over the world and   recorded and played back for investigation by pseudo scientists trying to desperately grapple with this strange and new unusual phenomena.

The greater bulk of humanity today have no understanding of themselves as the creators  and manipulators  producing these strange objective ``creepy events``.
Still worse we have many various narrow minded Fundamental ``Christian`` groups who have their own ideas about the end of the world saying the ``Trumpets of Revelations``have sounded  heralding the ``Great Tribulation``which only serves to spread fear and panic to those who have not developed their inner intuition to correctly ascertain and understand the inner and outer conditions  they themselves have created.

Then we have these other ``new age groups``who have been steeped in ``new age fantasy``and utter confusion as the result of the abuse , and misuse of the creative imagination, serving no altruistic methods for their fellow man ,except to draw them into all kinds of astral intoxication.
 There is so much glamour and illusion spreading all over the globe at this time and it seems that man knows himself not.
We live in a human civilization that ,-[ 5th Root Race]  will not reach it`s acme of greater unfoldment of it`s mental capacities until the end of this 5th Root Race many millions of years from now.

The world is  in a very deep seated and troubled time , and some of our wisest leaders in Government are now beginning to admit the fact that we are in need of the help of a group of advanced thinkers and visionaries,- and a World Teacher, in whom many know as Maitreya.
The profound suffering , confusion, hate, war, along with other very devastating possibilities of which we are not able to solve, is creating amongst the Sons of Men a conscious or  unconscious realization amongst the masses the need for a Divine Intermediate who will plead His cause with God and bring rescue to end the deeply depraved corruption abounding everywhere.


The  violent turmoil within the greater masses today is really , in fact, a deeply evocative cry for help whether they admit or not.
On a certain level however, the inner violence and turmoil that is now manifesting from within ourselves,- is now manifesting objectively as  these booms, the quaking heavens,  the abrasive hollow metallic cacophony issuing from the skies above  are , in a strange way,  connected  with the evocative cry for help as it ascends to the skies.

Most of you here know very well the fact that when humanity slips far out of it`s natural equilibrium that is not in accord with the establishing and working out of the Divine Plan on Earth will , as a consequence, cause the Elementals in charge of Earths ecology, weather, fire, water, air, and earth, to swing violently out of equilibrium causing unbelievable natural  disasters relatively unheard of down through at least several generations.

Under the Love, patience, and  wise instruction of the World Teacher- Maitreya-, humanity will at last realize it`s grave errors of the past ,and will begin to put it`s house in order.
When humanity comes to it`s senses by creating right human relationships, trust, world cooperation, understanding of itself spiritually as souls, creating justice, -and most of all ,- in the field of economics, the sharing of the resources and food of the world in a world of plenty will be the over-riding priority.

When inner and outer peace become the norm for humanity then we will come back into equilibrium, and the Elementals and Devas kingdoms will too come back into equilibrium, thus bringing harmony and calm to our Earths ecology, and the gradual decreasing of such unbelievable natural disasters.
Always remember;- Energy Follows Thought.!

Hear are some Links that will take you through a rich experience in thestudy of Esoteric Wisdom.-

                 I can be reached at-- 

            Peace with you ALL!!






Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Upward Struggle. -By- Mike j Hughes

In our youth we dreamed Big Dreams.

This is common amongst those who have reach a rather advanced stage in their spiritual evolution. The ever-burning aspiration will climb higher with each incarnation until the hour strikes!! Do not despair my Friends , for we all must play the game of Life if we are to regain our lost , and that so ancient Divinity that brings with it memories of Radiance and Cosmic Bliss.

This is the goal for the spiritual evolution of all humanity, - so remember my dear Friends, that we are all in this together . We all Dream Big Dreams. ,...each and everyone of us in the course of our long evolutionary journey will always aspire for better times . And they are a coming.!! Until we have learned all that can be experienced here on Earth we will continue to reach..and fall.....reach and fall....reach and fall...........Until the hour strikes.!!!!!

A Great man is not born, a Buddha is not born, a Christ is not born, a Leonardo da Vinci is not born, and neither is a Plato, Jon Anderson, George Washington,..and so on. No they are not just born as flukes or freaks of nature. I say again , they are not Born,.....but are -made- and have evolved through eons of suffering through countless incarnations.

If we too are to regain this lost Greatness and Awesome Divinity then we must earn it through many lives of self,SACRIFICE, ,service, and suffering. Remember you can not give compassion or embrace Humanity with your Divine Love to others until you yourself have endured every form of suffering their is under the sun. This can take many thousands of incarnations , -but through our efforts as individuals we can speed up this process by service, trust, study, giving, sharing the resources of the world, and so on .

Many Esoteric Schools posit the idea that man will reach the acme of spiritual development only during the 7th sub-race of the 7th Root Race. This is just a thoughtless overlook so to speak...obviously..? However their are those even now who have achieved full adeptship , and have elected to remain with Humanity and to work under Great exalted Beings such as the Silent Watcher who name can now be given and known as Sanat Kumara- He has many names,- ``Youth of Endless Summers``, ``Ancient of Days``, ``The Great Sacrifice``, ``The Dark Hidden Father``, The Morning Star``, and the ``Silent Watcher.``


As many of you may know , ..this planet is a great experiment and has been converted to adapt to conditions whereby many lifeforms came into existence. But unfortunately many became failures even after millions of years of evolution. This planet was once the point of a great ``cosmic failure``, and many dumb,-or rather ``mindless races``roamed the Earth long before We, as the ``Sparks of Angelic Divinity`` Fell from our High abode and took incarnation into what was then animal man. We are fallen and incarnated Angels who did not leave their High Abode out of rebellion,- but rather as a Great Sacrifice to make of the primitive men at that time a thinking, rational, cultured , and refined Human beings..

Saturday, February 23, 2013

My Work and Struggle for this Incarnation.- By;- Mike j Hughes.

I have , through many years of deep contemplation, and through so many years of analyzing myself to the point where it became very abrasive and annoying to say the least.
I must say however that this experience was for the best , no matter how psychological painful and the intense mental agony that was accompanied to that experience of which I was going through for so many times during ``My Dark Night of the Soul``.
There are stages one experiences while treading ``The Path`,`- the First Initiation  and the 6-7 ,or more incarnations sometimes needed in special circumstances while the Initiate  agreed to submit and try for a special piece of work  as to the salvation of Humanity and other lifeforms that creepeth upon it.

I hope I am not tyring to be overly ``Pius and Holy`` about what I have come to discover during my many years of search and contemplation.
I began at the age of about 13 years into my basic occult and religious training , -that is ``self taught``.
Although I have to admit I did receive some occasional tutorship from very remarkable men during my early years of study through-out the 90`s from other Teachers including spokesperson from the various religious Institutions from many Faiths and tradition from all over the World.

During the years of Elementary School I was the victim of what is known as bullying, and I must say it was not as worse as I thought it was, albeit very irritating as it was!`
Their was others who were getting bullied a lot worse than I was.  I began befriending some of the others who were being harassed all day long and gathered them one lunch time and had a talk with them all.
I talked all afternoon about solving our problems by adopting rather a better ``self-image `,`about ourselves, and to hold our heads on high and learn confidence about who we are ,-really.
I began to teach these young teenagers to develop a sense of inner occupations and that would make them partially invisible to the outer pychi of those bullies who were looking out for a fight wherever they may find it.

One afternoon we all breaked for lunch after a class on Mythology and I went to the group I was befriending and asked if anyone found anything remarkable about this lesson in Mythology. I asked if anyone knew the moral of the Story being told in the Greek Pantheon, and my friends went on about how Godlike they were and how the divine Rebels sacrificed on behalf of Humanity and so on.
At that moment I broke into the conversation by interrupting the chatter , and brought up the Great Truth that posits the universal truth that within each and everyone of us sits a Great Titian of an almost super-human Divinity ,and how we all all at some point in our long Egoic Journey from incarnation to incarnation will , in time, begin to take steps to discipline ourselves and to make contact with ones  inner Titian through the Art of gentle meditation , contemplation, inquiry,  leading to the unfoldment of the inner Egoic unit in a safe and slow pace that will cover many incarnations , leading , in time in bringing the aspirant to the Gates of the First Initiation.

I only gave counseling in that which worked for me , and that which has been found effective in many other young people who may be experiencing bullying in their own schools and communities wherever that may be around this big world of Human endeavour and constant progress.
In time all those I talked to and shared my insights with have now all grown up and are happily married , have good jobs, and lots of friends , -including some of those who used to bully them at school.

As we entered High School My friends who were being bullied learned my lessons I taught them about that Great Titian sitting within them all.
I gave them all ``spiritual writings of sorts`` that would teach them the meditations to empower themselves to act and bring forth the best within them all...