
Monday, November 7, 2016

The Mantram of Unification.- From the A A .B.Teachings

The Mantram of Unification


The sons of men are one and I am one with them.

I seek to love, not hate;
I seek to serve and not exact due service;
I seek to heal, not hurt.

Let pain bring due reward of light and love.
Let the soul control the outer form, and life and all events
And bring to light the love that underlies the happenings of the time.

Let vision come and insight.
Let the future stand revealed.
Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone.
Let love prevail. Let all men love.

The Mantram of Unification declares two realities. First, that the user is one with all humanity and second, that humanity as a whole responds to the divine Plan. Five aspects of this Plan are dealt with:

The reward of human suffering.
The control of human life by the soul.
Precipitation of the vision, revealing the future.
The demonstration of the inner unity of all humanity.
Humanity dominated by love.
Here we have a marvelous summation of the divine Plan for man. To whatever extent we, as individuals, understand it and live by it, we aid the whole of humanity. It brings meaning and purpose to our lives.

This mantram is a source of strength for all disciples active in spiritual work.                                        

Monday, September 19, 2016

High strangeness, - sounds from all directions. .


  Earth stratosphere that obviously not Earthly by far.!         BY;- Mike j Hughes
Countless thousands of people all over the world are reporting as to hearing strange deep rumblings, creepy hollow metallic gratings, and UN-natural noises seeping down from the sky , and even as far out as the upper

From my study of Esoteric Psychology, and as a trained observer who has studied this enigma through enquiry, contemplation, and meditation, brought me to a realization that Humanity as a whole is undergoing profound inner conflicts that include much of what is worse in the human nature in it`s lower manifestation.

The degree of human suffering is deeply embedded in the human condition,and all internal rage ,fear, hate, the unbelievable stress, confusion, as well as the great profound and deeply seated problems we as humans are now faced with is intensifying our inner conflict .

These inner violent astral and mental conflicts have reached their breaking point to such a degree that this inner conflict is now beginning to externalize itself objectively, and is precipitating in such a way as to be heard by countless thousands all over the world and recorded and played back for investigation by pseudo-scientists trying to desperately grapple with this strange and new unusual phenomena.

The  bulk of humanity  is devoid of such understanding of themselves as  creators and manipulators producing these objective ``creepy events``. It is Humanity that creates these strange phenomena, and ,- of course We all do it un- consciously . I am referring to  phenomena known as Poltergeist .

Still worse we have many various narrow minded Fundamental ``Christian`` groups who have their own ideas about the end of the world saying the ``Trumpets of Revelations have sounded heralding the ``Great Tribulation which only serves to spread fear and panic to those who have not developed their inner intuition to correctly ascertain and understand the inner and outer conditions they themselves have created.

Then we have these other ``new age groups who have been steeped in ``new age fantasy and utter confusion as the result of the abuse , and misuse of the creative imagination, serving no altruistic methods for their fellow man ,except to draw them into all kinds of astral intoxication.

There much glamour and illusion spreading all over the globe at this time and it seems that man knows himself not.

We live in a human civilization that ,-[ 5th Root Race] will not reach it`s acme of greater unfoldment of it`s mental capacities until the end of this 5th Root Race many millions of years from now.

The world is in a very deep-seated and troubled time , and some of our wisest leaders in Government are now beginning to admit the fact that we are in need of the help of a group of advanced thinkers and visionaries,- and a World Teacher, in whom many know as Maitreya.
 Maitreya and His Group of Masters dwell  at this time from  their ancient Retreats in the Himalayas, the Rockies, the Urals, Gobi  Desert ,,And from the most these ancient retreats they have overseen the evolution of humanity from behind the scenes daily pouring their Blessings into The Centre we know as the human race.

The profound suffering , confusion, hate, war, along with other very devastating possibilities of which we are not able to solve, is creating amongst the Sons of Men a conscious or unconscious realization amongst the masses the need for a Divine Intermediate who will plead His cause with God and bring rescue to end the deeply depraved corruption abounding everywhere.
The most beautiful and greatest event in human history is beginning to unfold with the reappearance of the World Teacher . Under His advice and wise counsel, humanity will build the coming new and high civilization ever to thrive upon this planet.

The violent turmoil within the greater masses today is really , in fact, a deeply evocative cry for help whether they admit or not.

On a certain level however, the inner violence and turmoil that is now manifesting from within ourselves,- is now manifesting objectively as these booms, the quaking heavens, the abrasive hollow metallic cacophony issuing from the skies above are , in a strange way, connected with the evocative cry for help as it ascends to the skies.

Most of you here know very well the fact that when humanity slips far out of it`s natural equilibrium that is not in accord with the establishing and working out of the Divine Plan on Earth will , as a consequence, cause the Elementals in charge of Earths ecology, weather, fire, water, air, and earth, to swing violently out of equilibrium causing unbelievable natural disasters relatively unheard of down through at least several generations.

Under the Love, patience, and wise instruction of the World Teacher- Maitreya-, humanity will at last realize it`s grave errors of the past ,and will begin to put it`s house in order.

When humanity comes to it`s senses by creating right human relationships, trust, world cooperation, understanding of itself spiritually as souls, creating justice, -and most of all ,- in the field of economics, the sharing of the resources and food of the world in a world of plenty will be the over-riding priority.

When inner and outer peace become the norm for humanity then we will come back into equilibrium, and the Elementals and Deva's kingdoms will too come back into equilibrium, thus bringing harmony and calm to our Earths ecology, and the gradual decreasing of such unbelievable natural disasters.

Always remember;- Energy Follows Thought.!

Here are some Links that will take you through a rich experience in the study of Esoteric Wisdom.- ... index.html

I can be reached at--
Peace with you ALL!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A Child of the Universe. - Mike Hughes

A Child of the Universe - By- Mike j Hughes
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Think Before You Speak.

Humanity today is experiencing the ''wilderness'' phase''. If we do not learn to trust , lay down weapons , share the world's resources with ALL Human beings on this man-bearing planet of plenty,- and further more,- let not our political and national racial pride get in the way ,- Then, we have a Great World Civilization based on right human relationships.
A new event is on the horizon friends. Humanity is coming of age , and must put it's war toys back to the ''Romper Room'' toy box and learn to work with each other that is practical healthy, thought-provoking , and fair to all.
If we rid ourselves of fanatical and intolerable ideologies ,- then all have a chance to take that one more step into their relationship with the God within , to draw ever near that innermost Sanctuary in the Hearts and Minds of the entire human family . The physical body is the outer shell upon the physical planes . We are not our body , nor are we our feelings , emotions , nor are we our thoughts we entertain day after day.
The real Higher Self , the Human Soul , is the true immortal Christ Principle , - a Divine Unit , a spark of Cosmic Fire.
Make it a habit of sounding the affirmations , chant , and the Sacred Word OM. These done daily will help and aid you in ''Rising Upon the Planes''

Now We are about to step through the ''Doors'' that will lead one through,- and , into the presence of Titans .
Religious s wars have always been the oldest of human vice, and through rigorous, training , contemplation, and a heart felt loving compassion to unite both the 'head' and 'heart' centers through deep meditation
doing their part to precipitate man's highest aspiration, and to anchor them here on Earth.
It is the ''inner Divinity'',- or God within oneself, that must be allowed to manifest through our humanity. It is from within oneself where The Kingdom of God must one day flower forth with amazing and Divine Beauty such as never seen before.
It is from deep within each and every human being where the ''Divine Lotus'' slowly unfolds one petal at a time ,.. revealing the ''Inner Diamond''- of Light'' . As we begin to decentralize ourselves from the earthly ego, and really listen to the ''voice of the silence'', then pleasing results will follow and precipitate as tools for the helping of ALL Humanity .
Indeed knowledge is power. This is why some of the greatest mysteries of life must remain occult, –,or esoteric.
There are many careless and deeply evil Human beings, who would use esoteric learning for very selfish reasons and would bring danger upon themselves , their surrounding fellow human beings, and their environment.
Only those who have developed a fair measure of soul contact , and who are serving their fellow man with self-less love and wisdom can be trusted with real occult insight as to the working out of "The Plan" as it issues forth from that Great Center where the "will of God is known", ;- Shamballa,- where the "Lord of the World" – Sanat Kumara has His dwelling on the highest of the etheric planes .
Some day , when man has developed etheric vision, this Divine center will be known and acknowledged .
Stay in tune with your highest and most unselfish aspirations , and you will surely enter through the "Gates of Initiation"
The World Teacher – Maitreya has said –
"Take your Brothers need as the measure of your action , and solve the problems of the world''
- Maitreya- The World Teacher-
Links to other Esoteric Thought - ''The Space Brothers,-- Here to Help''

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Humanity is About to Meet the World Teacher.


Humanity is today experiencing the ''wilderness'' phase''. Everybody , it seems, expects to live such a shallow , limiting , and somewhat empty  existence , and  a realized disappointment . We seem to be still in the ''Dark Ages'' . Everybody feel the impact in their own lives , a sort of ''emptiness because we do not learn to trust , lay down weapons , share the world's resources in a world of plenty, ,- and further more,- let not our political and national racial pride get in the way ,- Then will we have a Great World Civilization based on right human relationships. 
                                Share the news of Maitreya
A new and great event is on the horizon friends. Humanity is coming of age , and must put it's war toys back to the ''Romper Room'' toy box , learn to work with each other that is practical, and fair to all.
If we rid ourselves of fanatical intolerable ideologies ,- then ALL have a chance to take that one more step into our relationship with God as the Core of our being , our True Identity , to draw ever near that innermost Sanctuary in the Hearts and Minds of the entire human family .
We are about to step through the ''Doors'', to enter through, and into the presence of Titans .
Humanity has reached a high state of development,-although his warlike nature is preventing disclosure'',- until we have all come of age.
Religious wars have always been the oldest of human vice , abominations , unmentionable cruelty , and all that is worse in man.
However there have been ,and still are – many good people who are the Great Teachers , old wise souls who have suffered much ,-and therefore the Wiser as well.
There are many advanced souls coming into incarnation to carry on the work they have been doing over many lifetimes.
This group of advanced  souls are part of a ''Group of World Servers'' who come into incarnation under the Law of Service , the Law of Sacrifice , and not so much under the Law of Personal interest ,and the 'Wheel of Karma '.
They are doing their part to precipitate man's highest aspiration, and to anchor them here on Earth.

It is the ''inner Divinity'',- or God within oneself, that must be allowed to manifest through our humanity. It is from within oneself where The Kingdom of God must one day flower forth with amazing and Divine Beauty such as never seen before.
It is from deep within each and every human being where the ''Divine Lotus'' Slowly unfolds one petal at a time ,.. revealing the ''Inner Diamond'' of Light'' . As we begin to decentralize ourselves from the earthly ego, and really listen to the ''voice of the silence'',- thus rising and adapting to our Divine Nature,- , thus precipitating a new and higher value of Love, and the Brotherhood of man.
Indeed,  knowledge is power. This is why some of the greatest mysteries of life must remain occult, –,or esoteric.
There are careless and unwise human beings who would use higher esoteric learning for very selfish reasons bringing danger upon themselves , their surrounding fellow human beings, and their environment.
Only those who have developed a fair measure of soul contact , who are serving their fellow man with self-less love , can be trusted with real occult insight as to the working out of "The Plan" as it issues forth from that Great Center where the " Will of God is known", ;- Shamballa,- where the "Lord of the World" has His dwelling on the highest of the etheric planes .
Some day , when man has developed etheric vision, this Divine center will be known and acknowledged .
Stay in tune with your highest and most unselfish aspirations , and you will surly enter through the "Gates of Initiation"
The World Teacher – Maitreya has said –
"Take your Brothers need as the measure of your action and solve the problems of the world''
- Maitreya- The World Teacher-
Links to other Esoteric Thought - ''The Space Brothers,-- Here to Help''

Monday, January 25, 2016

No Such thing as Holy War.

By;- Mike j Hughes


Hi everybody , - soon I will be 50 years young . I am doing my rituals in  keeping a youthful appearance , staying strong , indifferent, detached , and aligned  with the Real Man ,- or if you like ,- the Inner Titan that resides within all of us .
Please Brothers and Sisters ,- engage yourselves in the altruistic fields of endeavour that will work out for the ''good'' of the whole  .
Altruism gives you a warm comforting sense of reality , ...and  , in time - a initiated  Pillar within your ''sphere of Influence''. 
If this Human Civilization does not begin to lose the whole concept  of money, gold , and the  idea of material advancement , then we are all preparing for our own doom by our own hands. 

As we know things are getting very tense in the Middle East ,- and we have the problem of how to handle those fleeing for their lives because of some ''infidels'' who call themselves ''I.S''.
These very  small selfish creatures have perverted their faith, and committed murder , rape , beheadings ,- all in the name of their god -[ or their devils ] , and thus justify their deeds in the name of  a Holy Man and Spiritual Teacher,-  Mohammad .
Remember always ,- the fact that these terrorists are using and perverting a Spirituality that they  do not even have the merit  nor deserve to be called members of Islam.
Groups like this are all over the world , and they need to hurt others so they can sexually climax , and thus pass judgement on others in order to make themselves feel better.          Share the news of Maitreya                  Lucis Trust.  Esoteric Study, Alice . A . Bailey.    The 24 Books By Alice A Bailey and D.K  - Theosophy and Occult.      World Goodwill Site.    A collection of almost 1000 online articles, organized by topic     List of Spiritual -Occult- Theosophy Links.

This page contains a variety of audio recordings including Messages by Maitreya, lectures and talks by Benjamin Creme, and public radio interviews. These recordings contain energetic blessings by Maitreya and can be experienced by the listener during playback.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Expansion of the Inner Spirit of the Human Mind

Expansion of the Inner Spirit of the Human Mind

                                                                                           By;- Mike j Hughes.

Around the turn of the century , spiritualism and the interest in the occult became a living revival now that the laws have evolved themselves a little.
We are all growing spiritually , and soon we will be living in a world that will be Transformed  into something like a ''High Civilization'' such as never seen before ,- yes!,  even Greater than the Atlantean 4th  Root Race.
We are all going to grow inwardly , - in fact it is happening right now and Humanity is only just beginning to open their eyes  ,- as the ''Vision is still not clear to the greater bulk of Humanity at this time.

The Church did Rule for quite some time ,- These were known as the ''Dark Ages''
Thank God their is a healthy turning away from intolerance , fundamentalism of Orthodoxy within the Religious people of the world.
Yes ,- our eyes are open thanks to the Serpent of Wisdom who has freed Humanity from the arrogance  and Sociopathic behavior of that Lunatic Ruler  who ''creates Man '' only to once again feel in power , who is cruel ,demanding , and who enjoys feeling wrathful .

Remember....Jehovah is only a Lunar deity....and knows We as Humans will be Greater than He can ever Imagine.          Share the news of Maitreya                  Lucis Trust.  Esoteric Study, Alice . A . Bailey.    The 24 Books By Alice A Bailey and D.K  - Theosophy and Occult.      World Goodwill Site.

The Quality of the Medium

The Quality of the Medium                                                                                     By;- Mike j Hughes     ‎14/‎07/‎2013
I was asked once about the question of a Mediums Life and reliability
I answered--
This question can sometimes be very difficult to answer. A medium can only attract to themselves those of the same moral and spiritual development as themselves. If you have a medium who is an alcoholic, or sex addict, a swindler, narcissist, or depraved in some way , - then only those disembodied egos of like mindedness will the medium be able to channel.
On the other hand , if the medium is of pure heart, sound, loving, disciplined, caring, and highly spiritual , -then again ,those of kindred vibration will come to the mediums aid.
Those who wish to be mediums are therefore warned to develop a high degree of spirituality, altruism, love, purity of motives, and self control.

If one is not virtuous and pure ,then you are risking to attract around yourself some very unclean, unevolved egos ,  those of unspeakable depravity and the stink of human filth
This type of unclean medium-ship will wreak havoc and destroy your health, mind, and your life,before realizing the horror that you have been practicing the darkest and most cruel of all black arts ,...necromancy

http://mikehughes38.word  -   My weblog