
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Humanity is About to Meet the World Teacher.


Humanity is today experiencing the ''wilderness'' phase''. Everybody , it seems, expects to live such a shallow , limiting , and somewhat empty  existence , and  a realized disappointment . We seem to be still in the ''Dark Ages'' . Everybody feel the impact in their own lives , a sort of ''emptiness because we do not learn to trust , lay down weapons , share the world's resources in a world of plenty, ,- and further more,- let not our political and national racial pride get in the way ,- Then will we have a Great World Civilization based on right human relationships. 
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A new and great event is on the horizon friends. Humanity is coming of age , and must put it's war toys back to the ''Romper Room'' toy box , learn to work with each other that is practical, and fair to all.
If we rid ourselves of fanatical intolerable ideologies ,- then ALL have a chance to take that one more step into our relationship with God as the Core of our being , our True Identity , to draw ever near that innermost Sanctuary in the Hearts and Minds of the entire human family .
We are about to step through the ''Doors'', to enter through, and into the presence of Titans .
Humanity has reached a high state of development,-although his warlike nature is preventing disclosure'',- until we have all come of age.
Religious wars have always been the oldest of human vice , abominations , unmentionable cruelty , and all that is worse in man.
However there have been ,and still are – many good people who are the Great Teachers , old wise souls who have suffered much ,-and therefore the Wiser as well.
There are many advanced souls coming into incarnation to carry on the work they have been doing over many lifetimes.
This group of advanced  souls are part of a ''Group of World Servers'' who come into incarnation under the Law of Service , the Law of Sacrifice , and not so much under the Law of Personal interest ,and the 'Wheel of Karma '.
They are doing their part to precipitate man's highest aspiration, and to anchor them here on Earth.

It is the ''inner Divinity'',- or God within oneself, that must be allowed to manifest through our humanity. It is from within oneself where The Kingdom of God must one day flower forth with amazing and Divine Beauty such as never seen before.
It is from deep within each and every human being where the ''Divine Lotus'' Slowly unfolds one petal at a time ,.. revealing the ''Inner Diamond'' of Light'' . As we begin to decentralize ourselves from the earthly ego, and really listen to the ''voice of the silence'',- thus rising and adapting to our Divine Nature,- , thus precipitating a new and higher value of Love, and the Brotherhood of man.
Indeed,  knowledge is power. This is why some of the greatest mysteries of life must remain occult, –,or esoteric.
There are careless and unwise human beings who would use higher esoteric learning for very selfish reasons bringing danger upon themselves , their surrounding fellow human beings, and their environment.
Only those who have developed a fair measure of soul contact , who are serving their fellow man with self-less love , can be trusted with real occult insight as to the working out of "The Plan" as it issues forth from that Great Center where the " Will of God is known", ;- Shamballa,- where the "Lord of the World" has His dwelling on the highest of the etheric planes .
Some day , when man has developed etheric vision, this Divine center will be known and acknowledged .
Stay in tune with your highest and most unselfish aspirations , and you will surly enter through the "Gates of Initiation"
The World Teacher – Maitreya has said –
"Take your Brothers need as the measure of your action and solve the problems of the world''
- Maitreya- The World Teacher-
Links to other Esoteric Thought - ''The Space Brothers,-- Here to Help''