
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Outgrowing Our Fear of Death. By;- Mike j Hughes

Everyone must, at some time, come to an understanding that we are essentially souls with a very long history that covers thousands of incarnations going back through tremendous eons and vistas of time, through many races, cultures, ancient civilizations, and evolving little more with each and every cycle,- with each and every incarnation.
For people, the fear of death is terrifying , they refuse to even think of it ,as if denying its very existence to the very last minute.
This fear is not ext-ream as most people think it is. Those living in dark ignorance see their death as the annihilation of everything so dear to their hearts, -of everything they ever loved ,- places , people ,things, thoughts , dreams, inspirations , - and most of all, the annihilation of Identity itself.
Those very worldly during their incarnations on earth will be most devastated with the thought of dying- ,as they have been conditioned since the beginning of their lives, leaving out the most important realities of who they are as Souls.

Ancient and seasoned racial groups have the wisdom of the ages in their teachings;-, ``The Art of Dying``During which one prepares to make their transition to the other side.
The most important lessons to learn as we come into incarnation age after age is to not identify ourselves with our earthly vehicles .As we identify ourselves with the Divine Self ,and detach ourselves from our physical, astral-emotional mental bodies,- we learn to live as souls, find real joy and bliss as we come to Divine Self-Realization
   There is no such thing as death,- the soul [ or ``Higher Self``] is a Divine aspect of the the one Universal Principle which thrills through out the cosmos in which we ,live,move ,and have our being.
When we come to an understanding of who we are ,then this fear of death will be seen as it really is,,,a,.... vague misunderstanding of the greater reality of which we all play a part, having no beginning and no ending as we understand it. Thus we come to understand the eternal NOW.
Once we free ourselves by detaching and releasing our sense of awareness above elemental substance of the dense physical , astral-emotional , and lower mental planes , then we release ourselves from the fear of death and all that is related to it.

When we set ourselves free from material limitations , the illusions that have for so long kept us in the dark, then shall we find greater freedom to work and play beyond the confines of material existence ,and soar ever higher into bliss of Divine Self-Realization.
To those who have outgrown somewhat this fear have a responsibility in doing what they can by dissipating this fog of illusion, and to shed light on this man - made illusion of glamour .
Deep in the hearts of every human soul is the realization of our true ''Divine Identity'' ,- having no beginning , nor ending , and lives within the ''Omni-Time' of the - Super mundane -{Agni-Yoga}.
Each and everyone ,-'from the souls standpoint'- has a long story to tell.
The average egoic unit has hundreds of thousands of lives, or incarnations, - and hence a long history indeed!!.
Therefore , it goes without saying , that we all have acquired much experience, knowledge , ageless wisdom, compassion, suffering , and art's of all kinds all locked up within the Souls memory.
The ''soul memory'' 'is a Divine reality,- and tapping into that ''Ocean of Omniscience'' will take place gradually , as trust and responsibility , sharing , and brotherhood become the norm,- and as meditation and service become abounding ,- all will begin to come into contact with ones soul.
The more we come into an ever deepening soul contact,- then more we can release that ageless flow of gifts , experience, talents , secrets, and abilities acquired from past lives to come and provide helpful and practical aid in the universal art of serving our fellow man, thus making life more abundant for ALL.
            - My Blog. My Email - Service work - The List of Initiates C.N.N Airing the Message of Maitreya's Emergence . A deep study into the nature of the astral planes , -lower and higher. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Beauty of the Inner Space,- and Far away Places. Shared By;- Mike j Hughes

 I have   come, { for many years } to the conclusion that all true ''seekers'' treading the Path, must come to their own conclusions regarding their Spiritual development, and the gradual un-foldment of ''Cosmic consciousness'' . 
I am presenting a system of ideas' gathered over a very long time indeed.
Our world today , with it's clear and present crisis, will  - very soon , be the catalysts that will result in  a major turning point  and a pronounced ''Novelty'' ,that will set the course of human evolution in a direction that  was the original intelligent PLAN.
Right Human Relations can only come about through trust , cooperation, and the sharing of the worlds resources in a world of plenty.
Every man , woman , and child have a responsibility and a ''role'' to play  in the establishing a new civilization  far beyond War.

The demonstration  of  our own innate Divinity is  beginning to express itself within all avenues of human endeavour,- Thus we are all now witnessing a very gradual , albeit a titanic shift within the collective conscience of the ever expanding awareness  in Us ALL.

We are now witnessing the  rise of ''People Power''  to a very effective way, and have the Dictators toppled,  on the run, .....or dead.
 Even so ,the  '' World Teacher'' awaits, and  the invocative cry for help from the hells of the human sphere .

                                     - My weblog



"We came into contact with certain men, endowed with such mysterious powers and such profound knowledge that we may truly designate them as the sages of the Orient. To their instructions we lent a ready ear. The work now submitted to public judgment is the fruit of a somewhat intimate acquaintance with [these] Eastern adepts and study of their [esoteric & occult] science."
H.P. Blavatsky,
Isis Unveiled, 1877.

"Helena Petrovna Blavatsky is surely among the most original and perceptive minds of her time. She is among the modern world’s trailblazing psychologists
of the visionary mind."
Theodore Roszak,
Unfinished Animal: Aquarian Frontier
& the Evolution of Consciousness

"Blavatsky's esoteric synthesis has served as a basic source for later esotericists, literati, scientists, and entire movements, including the New Age. Unlike most of her contemporaries, she is as visible today as an modern trendsetting guru, and she will most likely remain the most memorable and innovative esotericist of the 19th century."
James A. Santucci,
Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism.

"Madame Blavatsky...stands out as the fountainhead of modern occult thought, and was either the originator and/or popularizer of many of the ideas and terms which have a century later been assembled within the New Age Movement. The Theosophical Society, which she cofounded, has been the major advocate of occult philosophy in the West and the single most important avenue of Eastern teaching to the West."
J. Gordon Melton, Jerome Clark & Aidan A. Kelly, eds.,
New Age Almanac.

"Theosophy occupies a central place in the history of new spiritual movements, for the writings of Blavatsky and some of her followers have had a great influence outside of her organization.... The importance of Theosophy in modern history should not be underestimated. Not only have the writings of Blavatsky and others inspired several generations of occultists, but the movement had a remarkable role in the restoration to the colonial peoples of nineteenth century Asia their own spiritual heritage."
Robert S. Ellwood and Harry B. Partin,
Religious and Spiritual Groups in Modern America

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Artifacts on the Moon.? By;- Mike j Hughes

These ''structures'' are the ''left-overs' 'of a human civilization dating back countless eons ago
during a previous incarnation of that cosmic Planetary Being who takes incarnation within a planetary sphere in the same way the spiritual Ego in man take incarnation within many types of human forms provided according to karma , atavism , occult heredity , and so on , and on a smaller scale ,- however the analogy is clear.

Those who study Theosophy and the Ageless Wisdom Teachings are aware that the moon we see in the heavens is now a dead corps ,- the decaying body of our planetary Logo's last incarnation,- which has , at times , been detrimental in the spiritual evolution here on Earth .
As a rotting body so near the earth , the moon has always been a source of evil and lower astral impulses that can assist those deeply immersed in the practise of black magic ,- and those even darker Rites of Necromancy ,- the most dark and most cruel forms of black magic.

During the moon chain , a very mysterious event took place of which not much can be said , suffice it to say it retarded spiritual evolution on Earth. When the Planetary Spirit takes on incarnation on each globe it's past and cosmic karma follows in the same way ,- on a smaller scale , how karma follows us , Good or bad .
We all must face the ''dweller on the threshold'' , Each Planetary Spirit has it's ''Cosmic Dweller on the Threshold ''and working out karma , good or bad ,hence the joy and suffering of humanity itself , and the planet itself .

Here are links to an ocean of data on this very topic , A Theosophical Library of Knowledge Return of the Christ- 5 stars Astrological Interpretations of Famous People
by Ray, Sign and Life Emphasis Concerning Social Conditioning.
According to my research as to artifacts on the moon,- yes this is a fact indeed.