
Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Revealing .- ...By Invitation Only. By- Mike j Hughes

There is something that must be addressed concerning mans mindless ambitions to venture forth even within our own solar system..
As we all know there are great plans to send a manned mission to Mars. Yet our scientists are overlooking a very serious matter.,;-  By  visiting a planet we have no right to set foot on.;-
Mars may appear to have no dense physical life as we do here on Earth, -but , never the less, there is life on all planets .
 Our scientist's are only aware of three levels of physical matter,-that is solid physical, liquid physical , and gaseous physical . Now above gas there are four further states of matter that are more refined with each higher sub-plane , however never the less still physical, only more refined and subtle .
If you went to Mars right now , you would see nothing unless you had that dual focus that would enable you to see all forms of life teeming through out the planet clothed in this higher and refined state of  matter , such as vegetation, members of the animal kingdom ,and to your amazement you would come to know the fact that there are 9 billion people on Mars.!!!.

We can not just go into space and step upon every planet we so desire. That , my friends, is breaking the rules as set down by the ''Cosmic Parliament of Planetary  Civilizations'';-  of which our humanity is not as yet a member due to our warlike nature and puny mental development.'
 How ever with the ''Gathering of the Forces of Light,- it may be a living reality that humanity could be admitted  on a sort of applicant for   ''Probation' , 'and therefore must set out to understand himself and  begin to reassess our understanding of our part to play  in the great grand scheme of  cosmic evolution.
Yes there will be a manned mission to Mars, but not as a result of humanity's selfish ambitions. When humanity achieves a measure of peace, the regeneration of our ecology, and when  right human relations are beginning to define our relation to ourselves and the Cosmos.
 If we can solve these problems on our own,; then yes we will go to Mars , not over curiosity,....but  by an Invitation only , by the Rulers of the Martian Civilization Themselves.
Here are some links that will go more deeply into this most intriguing topic. . ''The Space Brothers,-- Here to Help''. A must Watch!!! - My Blog..

                                                               Physical Appearance.

As I and many others involved in making this reality more widespread fact,- many want to know more of their physical appearance,- Well here are a few in which G.  Adamsky was allowed to photograph.





                                                         Now,- a Film Presentation



                                                Published on May 25, 2012
Gerard Aartsen gives a presentaiton on UFO Contactees of the early days up to modern times. He says that this phenomena has been happening for a very long time and in modern times beneficial and enlightened contact has been initiated by them. Usually a single person is the contactee and information spreads through them to the public.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Altruism and Service as a form of Anti- Depressant. - By;- Mike j Hughes

I would like to share with you all  an experience I went through many years ago  over a period of about 4 - 5 months wherein I was moving through a bout of deep depression that kept me indoors , lazy , fatigued ,mentally in the dark, and in a foggy and   lonely place   in which I found myself time after time.
I have been an esoteric and spiritual occultist for many years ,-going back to the age of 16 years
It was during my daily studies and regular meditation that I caught an flash of intuition  that gave me the cure for all of the misery and emotional pain I've endured for such a long time indeed.
I began to do a comparison between me and my own petty problems of my pathetic and rather small personality  and others human beings who are living miserable stunted  lives full of unbelievable suffering and an agony of mind that we here in the developed West cannot even begin to fathom , or  to comprehend.
One day I was reading an article  in the Share International magazine about how others are overcoming depression without the use of poisonous medication of which little or nothing is known about.
I began engaging   my life in the service to others who's mental and emotional condition were by far worse than my own small petty problems.
After some time of this altruism and service , my life quality began to change for the better and I began to henceforth be elated as my soul contact began to deepen and become increasingly effective in my life by the improvement of my health in all departments of  my being , such as within my physical, emotional, and mental avenues of expression.
One note I must write here concerning the honest approach to the mode of service to be rendered
If one feels the need to serve  to ''earn brownie points'' with God, or to ease ones own   consciousness, or for some spiritual selfish purpose,- then one is going about it in the wrong mode, and therefore one must revaluate ones heart and inner motives.
This is a service that must be given from a selfless point within the depths of ones own innermost BEING,- from ones own inner innate Divinity ,  issued forth as a decree from that Great Titan residing within us ALL.

                                                                             - My Blog.


Sunday, October 6, 2013

A New Era is About to Unfold. By;- Mike j Hughes.

''Take your brothers need as the measure of your actions and solve the problems of the world''

                                                                                          - Maitreya -  -The World Teacher -

Over the many years of my life I have developed an intuition of what could happen if humanity doe's not alter the selfishness , utter carelessness, with all it's complacency ,Dangers , and so on. and so on.

The world is moving towards a major crisis in all arenas of life. The old institutions can no longer serve mans inner most being ,- and so change is a coming .

With the Arab Up-rising and the fast spreading networks of social media spinning it's ''Web'' throughout the world,- and, as a result , that which has been left in the dark for aeons is now beginning to be being revealed. The expansion of humanity's awareness is rising to levels that is causing men and woman to reassess the values which has conditioned them since infancy . This can be a painful process

Everyone, without exception, is consciously , or unconsciously has a desperate need to see Unity ,peace , sharing the worlds resources , trust, and as a result,- a very advanced Civilization such as never seen before will be created and guided by the World Teacher.

One of the great astral-emotional energies found to be a great measure of resistance is very ancient in it's origins , -dating back to the infancy of the 4th root race. This ancient astral energy was employed by many who used it in the quest for selfish material ends and was originated by that group of evil Beings known as the ''Black Lodge'' as they receive it from the Cosmic Astral planes and other centres of ''Spiritual Wickedness in High Places''.

Before a New Golden Civilization can emerge from the Hearts of all spiritually oriented people's of the world there are many things that must get done . Humanity must be getting it's own house in order by taking care of one another , Sharing the worlds resources, trust , right human relations, and ''sowing the seeds'' of brotherhood,- as well as a Great Global Community.

Everyone will have the right to proper food, medical care , education, freedom of expression , and the freedom to know the truth ,-and the meaning of ones life's purpose. - My Blog.