
Friday, April 19, 2013

The Coming American Uprising. By- Mike j Hughes


* Throughout the world there are men, women and little children who have not even the essentials to stay alive; they crowd the cities of many of the poorest countries in the world. This crime fills Me with shame. My brothers, how can you watch these people die before your eyes and call yourselves men? My plan is to save these, My little ones, from certain starvation and needless death.
                                                                                           Maitreya-  -The World Teacher-

There is however ,so much civil unrest coming to the United States over the next few months, days, or even years to come,- like never seen before.. This is due to the fact ,and working out of karmic retribution for past atrocities committed over-seas.

The United States , -as you will see in the coming few weeks, days and even years will resemble a sort of anarchy, or some kind of ``civil war` `of sorts. This will involve Terrorist attacks not only from abroad , but from those U.S citizens who are fed up with the corruption and utter depravity of the ``Leaders`` of the developed world.

Revolution and great ``civil unrest`` will ,-in the ``long run``, bring order, stability, and a heightening of the Human Consciousness onto higher levels of the mental planes ,-and most of all, dispel some of the most cruel complacency regarding ALL Humanity as to the needless deaths of so many of our own fellow human beings .

To many here in the developed world are steeped in stupidity,  unnatural forms of utter selfishness,-  taken a morbid and deeply depraved level.

There will be many reasons for this coming ``civil unrest` `throughout America, and one of them will be a division of the people of America of those who are willing to sacrifice some of their civil rights for their own protection, new Laws surrounding ``gun issues``, ,``religious fanatics' 'of all kinds having their compounds searched for terrorist activity, violent groups of ``radical activist`s``, and the announcements from the American Government of extreme measures that will be taken to ``search and destroy``anti -American and terrorist`s activities, ideologies, groups, propaganda, and all that which make the American Nation vulnerable to those who would take and destroy all that is dear to the freedom, Liberty, and all that the Western World cherishes and thinks of as belonging to them only!!!

There will as well be atrocities revealed to the public by very brave  journalists all over the world as to what`s really going on. As a result of this we will see mass protesting all over the United States connected with corruption and lies.. These are the foundations  of the coming-                                 `` American Uprising``.

America doe`s not have the right to own and monopolize , -consume and waste 80% of the worlds resources while millions starve to death in a world of plenty.!!!

Maitreya ,- The coming World Teacher has stated the fact that only through sharing can we have a more stable global community. Maitreya's first priority is to addresses the problem of so many living in unbelievable poverty and starvation , -and solve it , -all of us . The next priority is the cleaning up of the environment and the beautification of our city`s
Every nation of the world is the embodiment of an idea , and of course has a valuable contribution to offer in service to the coming New Civilization..          Maitreya has said.......

``* Throughout the world there are men, women and little children who have not even the essentials to stay alive; they crowd the cities of many of the poorest countries in the world. This crime fills Me with shame. My brothers, how can you watch these people die before your eyes and call yourselves men? My plan is to save these, My little ones, from certain starvation and needless death.``

                                                                                        Maitreya-   The World Teacher

More information- Imformation on many aspects of New Age Healing and Education                   My Web Blog Space Brothers,- Here to Help. AArt. Jurrann- This one is amazing-  5 stars for this one.!!!


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