
Saturday, February 23, 2013

My Work and Struggle for this Incarnation.- By;- Mike j Hughes.

I have , through many years of deep contemplation, and through so many years of analyzing myself to the point where it became very abrasive and annoying to say the least.
I must say however that this experience was for the best , no matter how psychological painful and the intense mental agony that was accompanied to that experience of which I was going through for so many times during ``My Dark Night of the Soul``.
There are stages one experiences while treading ``The Path`,`- the First Initiation  and the 6-7 ,or more incarnations sometimes needed in special circumstances while the Initiate  agreed to submit and try for a special piece of work  as to the salvation of Humanity and other lifeforms that creepeth upon it.

I hope I am not tyring to be overly ``Pius and Holy`` about what I have come to discover during my many years of search and contemplation.
I began at the age of about 13 years into my basic occult and religious training , -that is ``self taught``.
Although I have to admit I did receive some occasional tutorship from very remarkable men during my early years of study through-out the 90`s from other Teachers including spokesperson from the various religious Institutions from many Faiths and tradition from all over the World.

During the years of Elementary School I was the victim of what is known as bullying, and I must say it was not as worse as I thought it was, albeit very irritating as it was!`
Their was others who were getting bullied a lot worse than I was.  I began befriending some of the others who were being harassed all day long and gathered them one lunch time and had a talk with them all.
I talked all afternoon about solving our problems by adopting rather a better ``self-image `,`about ourselves, and to hold our heads on high and learn confidence about who we are ,-really.
I began to teach these young teenagers to develop a sense of inner occupations and that would make them partially invisible to the outer pychi of those bullies who were looking out for a fight wherever they may find it.

One afternoon we all breaked for lunch after a class on Mythology and I went to the group I was befriending and asked if anyone found anything remarkable about this lesson in Mythology. I asked if anyone knew the moral of the Story being told in the Greek Pantheon, and my friends went on about how Godlike they were and how the divine Rebels sacrificed on behalf of Humanity and so on.
At that moment I broke into the conversation by interrupting the chatter , and brought up the Great Truth that posits the universal truth that within each and everyone of us sits a Great Titian of an almost super-human Divinity ,and how we all all at some point in our long Egoic Journey from incarnation to incarnation will , in time, begin to take steps to discipline ourselves and to make contact with ones  inner Titian through the Art of gentle meditation , contemplation, inquiry,  leading to the unfoldment of the inner Egoic unit in a safe and slow pace that will cover many incarnations , leading , in time in bringing the aspirant to the Gates of the First Initiation.

I only gave counseling in that which worked for me , and that which has been found effective in many other young people who may be experiencing bullying in their own schools and communities wherever that may be around this big world of Human endeavour and constant progress.
In time all those I talked to and shared my insights with have now all grown up and are happily married , have good jobs, and lots of friends , -including some of those who used to bully them at school.

As we entered High School My friends who were being bullied learned my lessons I taught them about that Great Titian sitting within them all.
I gave them all ``spiritual writings of sorts`` that would teach them the meditations to empower themselves to act and bring forth the best within them all...

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