
Friday, January 18, 2013

Towards Transformation. By;- Mike j Hughes.

-Let Love Be The Means For Transformation-

For anyone with an interest in the Ageless Wisdom Teachings , along with practical spirituality -will find much insight by reading Hermann Hesse`s classic book ``Siddhartha``. I love this story very much. I must have read it about a dozen times throughout  my early teens and later   in high school .
I recently found it on the Internet as an audio-book and loved it so much I put it on my mp3 player to take with me wherever I go.
Last summer I went into a wilderness area known as  `Light House Park``on the North Shore here in the city of Vancouver.  I have returned to this spot frequently to meditate and read without  the overwhelming useless  chatter and constant irritating sounds of mans primitive gadgetry which works ill to  the health of our bodies.

Books such as the one described above can help shape and refine young minds for a sense of real value and purpose, as apposed to today's shallow , empty , and godless material isms responsible for bringing the ugly gloominess of depression,   causing much of the senseless violence such as we see exhibited by our youth.
I am 44 years old and have only recently discovered the endless  ways self education through the use of a  computer.
Spirituality and altruism is where I channel my energy into living a creative life and sharing my information about my life as a young man.
The world is undergoing a profound transformation, and will continue to do so for many decades to come . All of the old ways of selfishness and power hunger are now beginning to fade into thin air as we are now waking up to the realities of a brighter future for ourselves ,and the generations to come.

As to the future of education the Master D.K - through Alice .A.  Bailey has made a profound statement ;-..

"Education must meet the needs of the human spirit. It must assist persons to develop a satisfactory personal philosophy and sense of values; to cultivate tastes for literature, music and the arts; to grow in ability to analyze problems and arrive at thoughtful conclusions."

                                                                                             Education in the New Age
                                                                                                                 -- The Master D.K-- 
                            If Spirituality and Education are an interest to you you may
                           find a wealth of information by clicking and checking the
                            following links ;--..
All men and woman of Goodwill are  becoming an  organized group of thinkers from all over the world , and they are coming from all walks and all fields of Human endeavour.
More and more are awakening to the realization of the inhuman and intolerable conditions of unfair complacency as to how we live in a world where millions starve to death in a world of plenty.
It is a lie to give people dis-information as to the overwhelming ``food crisis``we have been hearing about through the media , radio, and Internet..

Those who work within the `New Group of World Servers `` are trained observers and cannot be fooled by these cheap and fabricated stories claiming humanity`s  ``end of days``is just around the corner.
.Many are  aware of the stupid   various  stupid methods imposed upon the  Masses  in a feeble attempt to divert attention away from what`s  really going on as to the agenda of various ``small selfish creatures`` who really think they are at the top of the Pyramid when it comes to all avenues of human progress in the fields of economics, politics , business, education, Banks, industry, and so on.



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