
Thursday, December 8, 2011

The New Revelation. By;- Mike j Hughes

During the winter of 1991 I was working at a restaurant downtown Vancouver not very far from Main and Hastings which is not known as a wholesome place to be after dark..
Every night I always gave extra food to those in need to take home,- rather than see it go to waste while  homeless people were cold and hungry ,-and worse of all  sleeping out on the street freezing to death . It was a very cold winter that year ,and I have been hearing reports that many of these poor souls were  succumbing to hypothermia and were dropping like fly`s all over our city of Vancouver..

Life is very cruel during the winter months.  Social workers  often  unavailable because    budget cuts were putting many out of  jobs, and leaving many out in the cold.   Christian mission soup kitchens were doing the best they can to get as many of the homeless  they can    into the warmth and safety of  over-crowded shelters  which presented a host of various frustrating problems. Sadly many had to be turned away as there was no more  room to accommodate such a large group of cold and hungry human beings. I would be thinking to myself,;- ``how could such a thing  happen right here in Canada``. To those of ``higher moral standards`` such an appalling condition within this highly developed country is unacceptable, cruel ,and the result of clumsy social organization. I thought about this for a long time, and  a flash of intuition rang clear as a bell,; -  selfish greedy corruption was responsible for these  people literally freezing to death needlessly within a city of plenty. The value of human potential as a soul is sadly overlooked.

There are  invisible helpers upon the physical, astral and mental planes who are members of the ``New Group of World Servers``,;-whether in or out of incarnation,- doing all they can, [ within the Law of Karma]  dropping ``seed ideas`` within the minds of those  receptive, sensitive,  and wise enough to construct those forms  needed for the inflow of Divine energy  now galvanizing Humanity  in  rebuilding  civilization along more equitable sense of fairness in the  sharing the worlds resources in a world of plenty .
Our present civilization is  in a state of  turbulent upheaval and revolution. It is through the activity and determination of the common people that is bringing  down the Dictators and their cruel regimes all over the Middle East . ``The Arab Spring``is the result of  powerful cosmic influences as we move away from Pisces and into the age of Aquarius  . As a result  millions are on the move demanding their God-given freedom and ousting of dictators that have for so long created conditions of limited and stunted mental growth of the common people who are  waking up, thanks to the expanding influence of ``social networking` and the Internet .

One very important rule I live by is  this ;- ``Charity begins at home.``.However I have , through meditation , learning to see this entire globe as my ``Home``. All human beings of whatever race, country, status, rich or poor, culture ,and so on are brothers and sisters of one humanity.
This is an esoteric statement of fact as it always has been, despite all petty human illusions and mental  conditioning imposed on in this present spiritual dark age

It was long ago when I was about 15 years old that this great revelation was revealed to me with  such deep clarity, and with a sense of plain common sense;- that all men are ``Brothers and Sisters``of one Humanity. As I grew older over the years I  I became aware of the fact that all human beings are ``one``,and we all stand as Souls.
Over many years I have dedicated my life to the study of  The Alice .A . Bailey books that were dictated to her over many years by a Master of  Wisdom who is well known as the Tibetan Master Djwhal Kwwl. Through a powerful telepathic rapport , D.K, - ,who dwells up  within the high vastness of the Himalaya Mountains ,was to direct the information of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings to his Disciple  known as Alice . A. Bailey. who wrote dozens of books dealing with  the evolutionary PLAN of  all kingdoms ,;-The mineral.,vegetable, animal, human, and the kingdom of souls ,[ super-human.

To all those who are searching for a deeper understanding of the Esoteric Tradition and the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, will discover a great wealth of information in these 28 Volumes of which are a lifetime, [ many lifetimes!] worth of study.
The great work of  H.P Blavatsky who founded the Theosophical Society in 1875 is yet another great body of Teachings, and with the help of a small group of Masters of Wisdom helped her to present to humanity at that time much that was before kept from the masses who were ,up until that time, not ready for these very advanced esoteric  teachings. These  Teachings were then given to humanity ,which were prepared by Blavatsky and a small group of  those Great  advanced Elder Brothers of humanity of what is known as the Super-Human Kingdom..

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